Official Languages Protocol


The official languages of ALAP are English and French.

ALAP is committed to the principles of linguistic equality set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Official Languages Act. Additionally, ALAP respects the legislation and regulations binding individual member Plans in respect of the use of both English and French.

Communications with the Public and Visual Identity

Members of the public may communicate with ALAP in either English or French and have the right to be served in the official language of their choice. As a national association, ALAP is committed to ensuring that members of the public are able to communicate with and receive information from ALAP in either official language. Correspondence addressed to ALAP in either official language should be answered in that language.

In all visual communications including, but not limited to, logos or other means of identification used on press releases or other public communications, informational materials intended for distribution to the public, websites, business cards or official ALAP letterhead, ALAP should be consistently identified in both official languages.

Documents and Public Websites

Important ALAP documents, including specifically the By-laws of the Association and any protocols or other policy documents adopted by ALAP, should be formally adopted and available in both official languages. The English and French versions are equally authoritative and in the case of ambiguity should be interpreted in the same way that the courts would interpret bilingual statutes in Canada.

Public releases of information will be made available by ALAP simultaneously in both official languages. This includes all press releases, reports or studies intended for public distribution, informational materials intended for public distribution and website content that is accessible to the public.

Annual Meetings and Presentation of Awards

In light of ALAP’s commitment to linguistic equality, it is a goal of ALAP that representatives of member Plans should be able to communicate and be understood in their official language of choice at the Annual Meeting. To the extent practicable, simultaneous interpretation services should be made available.

If meetings, or portions of meetings, are bilingual, meeting minutes should be prepared in both English and French.

When recognizing recipients of the Legal Aid Award, ALAP will present the award in both languages.